Most of the systems produced by the company incorporate one or more microprocessors. Some systems use full-fledged computers, and the others use tiny single chip modules. For example, the MAGI hardware has all the features of desk top PC. So any software programming can be easily done using a regular keyboard, mouse and a video monitor. One can load any OS, Windows or Linux. The software involved in MAGI like systems consists of drivers for the boards inserted in the back plane and the application software.
Examples of systems using a single chip module are TSPIGII, ANDAS, PFOG and WOFSNet. The processor unit has to be programmed either via a serial port, network or in-circuit programming. Only the programs necessary for the for system application are loaded. The following figure shows the software functions programmed in ANDAS system.
This basic loop repeats roughly 30 times per second providing nearly a real-time response from the MSA. The different software modules used, and their interaction are shown in following figure.
The ANDAS Host firmware performs the following two major tasks:
Indirectly, the Host firmware communicates with the MSA and retrieves the latest MSA measurement data; and stores it in a data buffer in RAM. The data can be independently read by the PC application via the USB link. The different software modules used, and their interaction are shown in follwing figure: