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|   Chrome Masks  |

 The chrome mask blanks use glass as base material. Soda lime glass is used for inexpensive masks, but for better accuracy and stability synthetic quartz is utilized. One face of the glass is coated with chrome.. Then the face with chrome is spin coated with photoresist, softbaked for handling ease. As the chrome surface does not get scratched easily, these masks are best suited for production applications.

During the alignment process one cannot see through the opaque regions in chrome mask. Any previous wafer patterns are invisible through the opaque regions, and one has to manage with whatever is visible through the clear regions during alignment process. This is the same problem one faces during alignment, while using emulsion coated mask with opaque regions.



The chrome mask processing steps and average timings are as follows:

  • Mask Blank is exposed in the camera for 45 to 90 seconds depending upon the artwork details;
  • Development in proper developer bath at 18 C for 45 seconds;
  • Stop development by rinsing in cascade rinser with DI water for 5 minutes, and blow dry the plate;
  • Hardbake the photoresist at 120 C oven for 5 minutes;
  • Etch the chrome regions exposed after development in CEP-200 at 18 C for 60 seconds (gently agitate 3 times only);
  • Rinsing and cleaning in cascade rinser with DI water for 5 minutes, and blow dry the plate;
  • Strip the photoresist by immersion in PR stripping bath (agitate for 5 secs after every 30 secs);
  • Rinsing and cleaning in cascade rinser with DI water for 5 minutes or more, and then blow dry the plate;
  • Inspect and dimensionally verify the mask features under a microscope.
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